Friday, August 03, 2007

The Eyes Have It (Myspace Archives)

So I got my eyes dilated today. It's the first time I can remember having it done, although I'm sure it was done to me many times as a child. I've been wearing glasses since at least 5 years of age, and I wore an eyepatch (arrrgh!) for months before and during. Seeing clearly, at least visually, has never been an option for me my entire life (but like Matt Murdock, my other senses have adapted to compensate...)

The question is, why now - at 38 and 7 months - did I suddenly decide I needed to have my eyes dilated?

Because I'm opting to have my eyes lasered in a week. Woot!

Still, it's an odd experience, this dilation. I feel newly blind. I'm naturally near-sighted, which means of course that i can't see clearly at distances. My vision really isn't that bad compared to some, and again its something I've dealt with my entire life. But this is a whole different experience.

I'm typing this squinting at the computer screen, because if I put on my glasses I can't see the screen at all. I was looking at the newspaper on the subway on the way home from the opthalmalogists' office, and after a while I realized it was hard to see very well - so I put my specs on.

Blind as a bat. Oh, don't get me wrong - I can see at a distance fine enough, although it was slightly more blurry than usual. With my glasses I actually have something like 20-10 eyesight, but suddenly it was like wearing a pair of old glasses that you'd outgrown.

I'm sitting here with my glasses perched atop my head; to read i take them off. To look at the television, I put them on. I feel like I'm 80 years old, putting on a special pair of reading glasses. I went to check my phone for messages, I couldn't read the screen without putting it up to my nose! "Mama, where's my metamucil? Who turned up the heat? Where's my reading glasses?"

They told me it'll be like this for hours, possibly until tomorrow.


So how's YOUR Friday night? :)

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