Thursday, February 02, 2006

Ni**a Can't Take a Joke!

Why is it some people just can't sit back and laugh at themselves? Hmm?

I'm a big fan of Aaron McGruder's "The Boondocks". Have been since they started popping up on the comics page of my local paper, started reading them online and was thrilled when it became an animated feature on the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim series.

Now Aaron's been censored before; not too long ago, he used to strip to suggest that Condoleeza Rice just needed a man, and maybe she wouldn't be so eager to blow up the world. The New York Daily News, among others, decided that Aaron was "on vacation" and filled the space where his strip was with something less controversial until the joke ran its course.

Now...this past January 15th, the Boondocks showed an espisode that had the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King not being dead, but instead having been in a coma. He comes out of it into today's world, and is appalled by what he sees. He goes into a fiery tirade against today's black culture, and his pacifist ways are seen as "pro-terrorism" in this post 9/11 world. He moves to Canada and sparks a second civil rights movement.

"Our" erstwhile mouthpiece (mainly because we can't shut his black ass up), Rev. Al Sharpton, has decided that this is just too far over the top. To have the honorable (womanizing) Dr. King actually mouth the N-word...heavens above, oh lawdy miss mabey, shut yo' mouth!

"Cartoon Network must apologize and also commit to pulling episodes that desecrate black historic figures," Sharpton said in a statement. "We are totally offended by the continuous use of the N-word."

This same highly offended man also says in the same statement that McGruder deserves much praise for his past work, and hinted that if no apology is forthcoming he and his supporters will picket the corporate headquarters of Time Warner, which owns the network.

Here's the thing, Al. I'm betting that if the good Dr. King were in fact alive today...he'd have been laughing his ass off, because HE would have gotten the joke. YOU, Al, have your head so far up your own ass you wouldn't know good parody if it made a nest in that hair of yours.

I personally think Rev. Al is offended for an entirely different reason, and has been looking for a reason to blast the cartoon:

He knows he looks too damn much like Uncle Ruckus!

See? A nigg* don't lie!

1 comment:

Frank said...

Hilarious, just hilarious. I was looking around technorati to see what some other bloggers were saying about Al Sharpton and I'm glad to see that we got the joke. Great stuff.