Wednesday, January 18, 2006

My Card, Sir

What is it about a business card that makes you seem official? Even when you're not?

I got my business cards in the mail today, which is a pretty funny development considering I have absolutely no product to promote. Yet.

But it looks good, doesn't it? Forgive the poor image quality; trust me when I say the card itself looks much better.

Being an old man and far too well read for my own good (and modest, too!), I decided on a "title" for myself, within my non-existant company, that reflected the idea that I do pretty much everything. Since it's only me, you understand. There's an old book/movie, very pre-Grisham, about espionage in British Intelligence: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Good story.

Anyway, I figured that simple sing-song phrase pretty much summed up the idea that I do everything. And it sounded much more interesting than "Creative Director", "Owner", or "Big Chief Mucky Mucky".

Sadly, no one has a clue what it means. You neophytes, you.

So now: I have a business card. I'm rebuilding the web site, and thanks to the discovery of mouseover/image swapping (one day I'll actually take a class on this java/dhtml stuff), it's looking pretty damned good if I say so myself.

And I just did. So there.

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