Thursday, October 14, 2004

July 5th Christmas Sale

October 14, 2004 - Thursday

Next: July 5th Christmas Sale

This is becoming an annual rant.

It's Halloween, people. Why is it that I go to the store for my annual shot of dark and mysterious happy-juice-that-is-halloween, the 2nd week of October, and right there next to the Halloween stuff are the beginnings of Xmas goodies.

Fuck you, Target.

Why is it so much to ask, that I get to enjoy the month leading up to my favorite holiday? I fully expect, since there is no real holiday after the 4th of July, to start seeing Christmas stuff on sale right after that.

What happened to the days when kids would go trick or treating, parents would have parties for the neighborhood kids and play bobbing for apples, when the grandmas on the block would make candy and caramel apples to hand out when the kids came a'knocking?

When adults weren't too ashamed or embarrased to play dress up for one FRIGGIN' night, to play out their fantasy by dressing differently? To be risque, to go overboard, to be loud and boisterous and care-free?

What happened to the halloween I remember, when adults could be a kid for a night, and kids can BE kids, the way they should be?

Every year I find myself working harder and harder to get people into the holiday spirit (pun intended) - and every year I feel more and more determined to keep the fight going.

This is October. October is for Halloween. It's for ghosts, ghouls, goblins, for Jack Skellington and Oogy Boogy, for vampires and wolfmen and fairies and devils, for little princesses and young knights in shining aluminum foil armor, for trick or treating and jumping out at people and shouting "Boo!"

So here's a hearty "Bite Me" to Frosty, Rudolph, St. Nick and all those little elves who we know are at the North Pole shagging the Mrs. while Santy Claus is out dingling the wives in their beds. December is YOUR time.

Stay out of October. Damn you.

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