Monday, May 26, 2008

In The Heat of the Moment

I had no intention of lighting a fire tonight.

Understand...I am a rational man. I'd had a small fire, just enough to cook with. I was done. A fire served no purpose. I had a lantern. I had a flashlight. Lighting a fire would be...would be...

Of course I lit a fire. I couldn't help myself, something primal in me literally screamed for a fire. My cro-magnon ancestors demanded a fire, and by the gods I would give them one!

I have enough wood collected to build a log cabin, but even as I sit here typing this I'm wondering... it enough?

It IS primal. We as Men - and that's gender specific - are bred to NEED a fire. We are physically incapable of being around the implements needed to start a flame, and not actually do so.

The proof can be found at every BBQ around the globe, Put more than one male near a pit or grill, and all will gravitate towards it. We all must participate, offering our opinions on how it should be done.

"Stack them like a pyramid! " "No, stagger them!" "Add leaves for kindling" "Grass, throw some grass on there!"

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