Thursday, September 07, 2006

Tag, You're It

I'm going to assassinate someone later this month.

No, I haven't joined the CIA. Instead I've signed up for an annual city-wide interactive game called "StreetWars", where I get to be hunted - and hunt others.

It's a 3-week long, 24/7 watergun assassination tournament that has already taken place here in New York City for the past few years, as well as in other cities worldwide: San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, Vienna, and Vancouver. At the start of the game you receive a photo of your intended target and their contact information. Your goal: wet them, by any means necessary. Water gun, water balloon, super soaker. You can stalk them, pose as a delivery person, ambush them any way you see fit.

A wet target is a dead target, and they're forced to hand over their intended target over to you. Which, of course, becomes your new target.

I'm probably going to get my butt handed to me on a wet platter, but I'm in it for the fun of the hunt. All I want to do is survive long enough to get a few kills under my belt, just so I can say I didn't get wiped out (pun intended) on the first day. For three weeks I'll be living in a paranoid world, where everyone I see on the street is a potential assassin out to get me.

Sounds like fun, don't it? Now...I just need to go out and get me a watergun...

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