Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Cheney + Gun = Heart Attack

First I am hoping that Whittington comes out of all this okay. Yes we're having a laugh at his expense, but there's no ill will wished on the man.


I read that he'd suffered a "minor" heart attack while in the hospital, and I had this vision. It's at night; there's a nurse on duty, but all is quiet. Whittington is having trouble sleeping, something is nagging at him, crawling at his skin.

He wakes, suddenly - and Dick Cheney is there, dressed in black and hovering over his hospital bed. "Remember", he rasps; "if anyone finds out what really happened...I know where you live..."

There's a scraping noise, like a sharp steel blade against leather...and then he fades back into the shadows.


Hell, that'd give me a heart attack too.

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